USPS (Почта США) відстеження посилок
Американська компанія United States Postal Service (USPS) надає повний комплекс поштових послуг на території США. Належить федеральному уряду Сполучених Штатів. Заснована 26 липня 1775 року. Штаб-квартира знаходиться у Вашингтоні. Кількість відділень USPS перевищує 30 000. У компанії працюють понад 600 000 співробітників. За цим показником вона посідає 3 місце у США. USPS належить до Світового Поштового Союзу.
З 1971 року USPS здійснює міжнародну доставку відправлень. Зараз компанія доставляє документи та посилки до 190 країн. USPS – найбільша поштова служба у світі. Вона пересилає 47% поштових відправлень у всьому світі. Щорічно USPS здійснює близько 150 млрд. відправлень. Більшість посилок із США до України доставляє саме компанія USPS. Автопарк компанії USPS є найбільшим цивільним автопарком у світі. Він налічує понад 250 000 транспортних засобів.
USPS Види доставки
Найпопулярнішими видами відправлень компанії USPS є USPS Express Mail та USPS Priority Mail. USPS Express Mail – це внутрішні відправлення EMS до США. Термін доставки становить один день. USPS Priority Mail – це міжнародні відправлення. За межами США посилку доставляє національна поштова служба країни - Укрпошта. Термін доставки USPS становить від 25 до 30 днів.
Додаткові послуги
Компанія USPS пропонує клієнтам функцію Click-n-Ship. Ця функція дозволяє заощадити час та здійснити доставку документів або посилок з дому чи офісу. Функція Click-n-Ship функціонує для внутрішніх відправлень. Також на сайті можна знайти інформацію про відділення, розрахувати вартість відправлення.
Крім доставки пошти, компанія USPS здійснює повний комплекс логістичних послуг, займається переказами грошей, реалізує поштову продукцію (марки, конверти тощо). Компанія доставляє посилки та вантажі для потреб армії.
Відстеження поштових відправлень
Клієнти USPS мають можливість відстежувати свої посилки з США. Для цього на головній сторінці сайту компанії в розділі Track a Package (Відстежити посилку) потрібно ввести номер відправлення. Для відстеження дрібних пакетів при надсиланні USPS Priority Mail необхідно придбати додаткову опцію "Registered Mail". Номер відправлення надається посилці під час реєстрації. Цей номер залежить від типу відправлення.
USPS статуси відправлень
Статус | Опис |
Status Not Available | Status Not Available means that either you’ve entered a wrong tracking number or there are no updates available for that particular tracking number. |
Delivered | |
Pre-Shipment Info Sent, Awaiting Item. The US Mail Service was electronically notified by the shipper to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if/when available. | This scan indicates that the shipper has notified the Postal Service that they intend to submit the item for processing and delivery. |
Acceptance | This scan indicates that a Postal Service employee has accepted the item at a Post Office and/or that the carrier has picked up the item at a customer's residence/business. |
Delivered, Parcel Locker | |
Delivered, Front Desk/Reception | |
Delivered, To Mail Room | |
Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) | An unsuccessful delivery attempt was made by your carrier today. |
Customs Clearance | |
Processed Through Facility | This scan indicates that the item has processed through and left a Postal Service processing facility. The item is currently in transit to the destination. |
Arrived at US Mail Service Facility | |
Arrived at Facility | |
Shipping Label Created | |
Departed US Mail Service Facility | |
Accepted at US Mail Service Origin Facility | |
Customs clearance processing complete | |
Departed Post Office | |
Arrived at US Mail Service Origin Facility | |
Departed Shipping Partner Facility | |
Shipment Picked Up | |
Picked Up | |
Alert | |
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility | |
Attempted Delivery Abroad | |
Arrival at Post Office | |
Arrived at Unit | |
Arrived at post office | |
Shipment Accepted | |
Attempted Delivery - Item being held, addressee being notified | |
Departed US Mail Service Destination Facility | |
Arrived at US Mail Service Destination Facility | |
Inbound Out of Customs | |
Incorrect Address - Addressee's address being verified | |
Released from US Customs | |
Processing Exception | |
Collect for Pick Up | |
Delivered, In/At Mailbox | |
Sorting Complete | |
Insufficient Address | |
Accepted at US Mail Service Destination Facility | |
Refused | |
Tendered to Military Agent | |
Addressee requested later delivery - Item being held at addressee's request | |
Delivered, To Agent | |
Addressee not available - Will attempt delivery on next working day | |
Unclaimed/Max Hold Time Expired | |
Picked Up by Shipping Partner, US Mail Service Awaiting Item | |
Missed delivery - Scheduled for another delivery attempt today | |
Incorrect Address - Item returned to sender | |
Departed US Mail Service Origin Facility | |
Moved, Left no Address | |
Shipping Label Created, US Mail Service Awaiting Item | |
Incorrect Address - Item forwarded / redirected | |
Does not meet customs requirements - Return to Sender | |
Return to Sender | |
Delivered, Garage or Other Location at Address | |
Addressee requested later delivery - Will attempt delivery on next working day | |
Undeliverable as Addressed | |
No Access | Your carrier was unable to deliver to your address. |
Addressee not available - Scheduled for another delivery attempt today | |
Processing Exception, Regional Weather Delay | |
Held at Delivery Depot/Delivery Office | |
No Such Number | |
Addressee Unknown | |
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, US Mail Service Awaiting Item | |
Acceptance (SSK) | |
Notice Left | This scan indicates that the item is ready for pickup at the Post Office. If it is unclaimed after a certain number of days it will be returned to the sender. |
Delivered, To Original Sender | |
Delivered, PO Box | |
Addressee cannot be located - Scheduled for another delivery attempt today | |
Return to Sender Processed | |
Available for Pickup | |
Arrived at Hub | |
Unclaimed - Item returned to sender | |
Arrival at Pick-Up Point | |
Held in US Customs | |
Held in Customs | |
Addressee requests own pick-up - Item being held, addressee being notified | |
Notice Left (No Secure Location Available) | |
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment | |
In Transit to Destination | The item is currently in transit to the destination. Item is being processed or transported to your delivering Post Office™ facility. Additional tracking information will be available when it arrives at unit and is out for delivery. This scan may appear multiple times from the same facility and/or on different days as it is processed or in transit. Be assured that we are working to get this to you as soon as possible. If your item is running late, we apologize for the inconvenience. |
Dispatched from US Mail Service International Service Center | |
Missed delivery - Will attempt delivery on next working day | |
Item refused by addressee - Item returned to sender | |
Depart From Transit Office of Exchange | |
Payment of charges - Item being held, addressee being notified | |
Business Closed | |
Redelivery Scheduled | |
Accepted at US Mail Service Facility | |
Held at Post Office, Retrieved from full parcel locker | |
Item wrongly directed - Item forwarded / redirected | |
Arrival at Transit Office From Exchange | |
Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office | |
Forwarded | |
RECEPTACLE BLOCKED | Carrier did not have access to mailbox to complete delivery. |
Delivery status not updated | Item arrived for delivery; however, it has not yet been processed for delivery. |
Attempted Delivery - Scheduled for another delivery attempt today | |
Tendered to Postal Service | |
Departed | |
Delivered, Left with Individual | |
Item damaged - Item not delivered - Item being held, addressee being notified | |
Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Postal Facility | |
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, US Mail Service Awaiting Item | |
Held at Post Office, At Customer Request | |
Delivered, Front Door/Porch | |
Attempted Delivery - Item forwarded / redirected | |
Arrived | |
Out for Delivery | |
In Transit to Destination. The item is currently in transit to the destination. | |
Departed US Mail Service Regional Facility | |
Arrived at US Mail Service Regional Facility | |
Delivered, Front Door/Porch. Your item was delivered at the front door or porch | |
Arrived at Post Office | |
Arrived at US Mail Service Regional Destination Facility | |
Arrived at US Mail Service Regional Origin Facility | |
Accepted at US Mail Service Regional Origin Facility | |
Item Accepted/Picked Up for Initial Processing | |
Picked Up by Shipping Partner, US Mail Service Awaiting Item. | |
Sorry - we don't recognise that reference number. Please check your reference number or try again later – it takes 24 hours for them to appear in our system. | |
Arrival at Delivery Office | This scan indicates that the item was scanned at the final postal unit where delivery of the item will take place. |
Arrival at Sorting Center | |
US Mail Service in possession of item |
USPS (Почта США) - пошук посилок та відправлень
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